Why Don’t Gas Grills Use Lava Rock Anymore?

If you’ve heard of lava rocks for gas grills or gas grill rocks, you may be wondering why don’t gas grills use lava rock anymore?

Lava rock for grills and fire pits. why don't gas grills use lava rock anymore

These naturally occurring volcanic rocks are perfect at withstanding and holding large amounts of heat. Because they’re porous and made of volcanic material, they also diffuse the heat evenly. Lava rock creates a perfect heat trap for the flame of a gas grill and radiates the heat as infrared energy to cook your food. So why don’t gas grills use lava rock anymore?

Why Don’t Gas Grills Use Lava Rock Anymore?

In every single gas grill there’s a gas burner. The burner produces a flame that produces heat to cook your food. However, heat rises and dissipates in the air too easily to cook your food if it isn’t trapped. An uncovered flame results in uneven or inadequate heat for effective cooking.

This is why grill manufacturers cover the burners in gas grills, but before they started using little metal plates, gas grills used to cover the burners with natural lava rock. 

Original gas grills used lava rock with the gas supplying the combustion for heat beneath a layer of lava rocks. The lava rocks themselves sat on grates, called lava rock grates or briquette grates.

The Advantages of Lava Rocks for Gas Grills

Lava rock naturally radiates infrared heat into your food when heated by the flame from your gas grill burner. That radiated heat cooks your food more evenly and leaves it simmering delightfully in the even glow of the lava rock bed.

Lava rock also retains heat on cold and windy days. It stays warmer for longer than metal plates for your gas grill do, instead of losing heat each time the grill cabin is opened.

Grillers who use lava rock lay them out on a metal grate fitted to their grill for lava rock, placing all the largest rocks in neat rows over the burners first and around the outside of the grill, then filling in the spaces between them with an even scattering of the smaller lava rocks for gas grills. See this video for a visual!

The Big Box Retailers Import Cheap Mentality

So why don’t gas grills use lava rock anymore?

Many years back, the gas grill segment bought into big box retailer mentality of marketing. We saw the cheapest mass-produced assemblies imported from foreign manufacturers. 

Shipping 3 to 5 pieces of bent sheet metal in neatly standardized packaging from an overseas assembly line for the grill saved the grill manufacturers time, hassle, and money over sourcing volcanic lava rock. Not all lava rock is the same. For gas grills you need suitable size and quality for cooking. Additionally, the manufacturers no longer needed to provide the grate where the lava rock sat. They exchanged a higher quality product and experience for a cheaper solution on their end. 

So the metal burner covers won out in the industry, and slick ad copy campaigns touting the superiority of metal plates got the consumer to go along with the change.

But these are lower quality burner covers for gas grills. They’re not nearly as nice as lava rock. They don’t hold and distribute the heat from your gas burner as well as lava and the rocks look good and are more fun to barbecue over.

So why doesn’t your gas grill use lava rock?

You can get lava rock for your grill!

At this time, we have an exact-fit kit for some Weber Models. Check for availability for your grill! We are working to develop more exact fit solutions. In the meantime, browse our selection of grates that can hold up lava rock in your grill.

Questions? Let us know in the comments or send us an email [email protected]

America’s Test Kitchen Rates Gas Grills Under $500

Hey Y’all! Grill Girl Here!

While I have my own favorite brand of gas grill (Modern Home Products or MHP), I know there are many out there to choose from! MHP also doesn’t currently have an option for a gas grill under $500.

America’s Test Kitchen is a company I love and trust for any recipe they provide because they thoroughly test recipes with different variations and cooking methods. When they came out with a video review of different gas grills under the $500 mark, I knew it would be worth watching.

I love the different ways they test the grills. Take note of the things they look at. Even if you don’t end up buying their recommendation, the way they test these grills and the points they make are really great! You should look at the heat dispersal, venting and general sturdiness of the grill. The BTU rating of a grill does not matter if all the heat will just go out too many vents!

What matters is a well-made grill with a thick casting that can keep in heat and will cook your food evenly. Check out the video for even more details!

Hope this helps those of you looking for a new bbq this season!

-Grill Girl

Late Summer Grilling

Try a fresh piece of fish for your next grill meal!

Try a fresh piece of fish for your next grill meal!

Let’s admit – by the time we all get to August, we’re kind of done with the burgers and hot dogs. Even if you’re not totally sick of them, you should give it a break for just a few weeks because they will certainly become your staple again once football season starts back up.

For an alternative grilled dish, give a nice fresh fish a try! One of my favorites to throw on the grill is salmon. It has a pretty sturdy flesh which makes it much easier to maneuver on the grill.

The absolutely easiest way to cook fish on the grill is by putting it in an aluminum foil tray, smothering it with a garlic-herb butter and then just putting the tray directly onto the grill grids. You won’t get that pretty grill sear, but you are guaranteed that the fish won’t stick!

You can also use a cedar plank, just a sheet of aluminum, or put it directly on the cooking grid. Just make sure that if you do choose to put it on the grid, you oil it properly before placing the fish on it.  The safest way to oil a cooking grid is to put some oil on a paper towel and rub that thoroughly on the grid. Also, try to put your fish where the grid is the smoothest and the cleanest.

For even more tips, check out this video I made to answer a question from a customer!

That’s it for now! Do you have any tips on grilling fish? What’s your favorite thing to grill at the end of summer?

As Always- Happy Grilling!!
-Grill Girl

Hot Hot Hot!

Temperatures all around the country are HOT and getting Hotter!

Whether your means of cooling down is an air-conditioner that blasts 24/7 or an open window with a fan and a desperate hope, there’s absolutely no need to heat up your living space more than necessary!

That’s right folks, avoid those ovens and stove tops like the plague! You can cook SO many things on the grill using indirect heat and some roasting pans. Today, I’m dreaming of a nice crisp salad to end my day. You know me though, as the Grill Girl, I couldn’t have a salad without a lovely grilled chicken breast, or maybe some sliced grilled steak.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

I don’t consider myself a chef, but here’s how I would build my dinner salad:

Get that grill going and throw on your choice of protein; how about grilled steak, chicken, salmon, or even shrimp? If using chicken, pound it out a bit so it’s nice and thin. It will take less time to cook. I like to add some citrus into my foods, so drizzle fresh-squeezed lime or lemon (your choice) along with some salt onto your meat before putting it on the grill. It is summertime after all!

Start your salad with a bed of romaine. In the hot summer months, nothing compares to the cool, watery crisp of romaine lettuce. Atop that, I would add some corn. If I have leftovers from a cookout I would definitely put that to use, or just open a can of sweet corn. Then throw on some chilled cherry tomatoes and sliced avocado. Add your meat and finish off with a sprinkle of Parmesan. Then, try making your own summer dressing instead of purchasing one from the store. Fresh is best! Here’s my all time favorite:

Cilantro Lime Dressing

The ratio you need is 2:1, oil to lime juice. I use olive oil, but you could also use canola. Then, add in some chopped cilantro, salt and pepper and fresh garlic! I blend in up and it gets pretty creamy. It’s very yummy and so easy!

Ok everyone, get outside to cook! Let the grill and the sun battle it out for who’s the hottest, while you get a great meal and run back inside to keep cool.

Happy Summer Grilling!



Top 5 Grilling Gadgets for 2015

Grilling is not only a great way to cook your lunch and dinners, it’s also one of our country’s favorite ways to enjoy the summer months with friends.

I put together a list of my favorite newly added accessories to our website for this season. I like to call them gadgets because it makes me feel cooler. These items will make grilling even more fun and easier than ever!

LED Grill Light

A Grill Light!! It’s battery operated and comes with a base to clamp onto your grill. This means the uses for this light are extremely diverse. It has a flexible neck so you can bend it to shine a light in any direction. This is perfect for the grilling enthusiast, but also for anyone who loves to camp! Don’t keep yourself in the dark! Your food deserves better!

Meat Claws 

Have you seen these? They are basically over-sized, really sharp forks.  These are made of stainless steel, so you don’t have to worry about the rusting or getting gross after just a few uses. If you like to smoke meat, these are an absolute must for shredding that delicious pork, brisket or chicken once you’ve smoked it to perfection. We have a pair of these at home and I promise serving a smoked pork butt in our home is ten times easier now than it used to be.

Grill Griddle

This one will be a harder sell – but I promise, you will end up using it much more than you think you will! My favorite version of this is the double-sided cast iron griddle.  One side is a smooth cooking surface while the other has ridges if you want some sear marks. It probably won’t take up your entire grilling surface area when you place it in the grill. It allows you to get the flavor of the smoke on delicate things like fish and veggies or even buns while using the rest of your grilling area for your burgers, steak or chicken. I actually made pancakes on a grill using this! We also have a stainless version available if you prefer that!

Grill Wing Rack

If you’ve ever grilled wings on a gas or charcoal grill, I’m sure you know the frustration of that fatty chicken skin getting stuck to your grilling surface. Is there anything more frustrating?! That skin is supposed to get crispy and flavorful and just when you’ve achieved that, you flip the wing and the skin stays right there, stuck to the grid. I HATE that! As you can tell, this hits a nerve with me, but there is an easier way! Chicken wings should not be naked, people. Keep the skin on right? Try out this wing rack and let me know what you think!

Shish-Kebab Grilling Set

Finally, don’t you love shish-kebabs? It’s such a fun way to bring diversity into your grilling repertoire. Get those veggies and meat all grilled at the same time, flavoring each other as they cook. Yum! Here’s the annoying thing – they get stuck to the grilling surface too, or when you flip them, they flip back. If that wasn’t annoying enough, the metal skewer gets too hot to touch. How about this little folding metal set? It comes with 6 skewers, and holds them above your cooking grid so they can cook without getting stuck. The skewers sit in grooves so you can flip them and they stay put! When you’re done grilling, just fold the set up and put it away. It’s made of stainless steel and will be another piece that will last long into your grilling career.

So what is your favorite pick on this list? Do you have any of these items currently? I’d love to hear your feedback.

As always, Happy Grilling from the Grill Girl!

Grilled Bacon

Have you ever been tempted to try your hand at bacon on the grill?

With the social sharing sites like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter all loving the idea of bacon and loving the method of grilling, it’s a short jump to grilled bacon.

However, it’s definitely easier said than done!

When grilling a bacon wrapped burger goes wrong

Doesn’t a bacon wrapped burger, stuffed with cheddar cheese, grilled to perfection sound amazing?

It looks even better according to the “oh so easy” picture by picture instructions found on pinterest for this recipe. Aspiring for wife of the year, a pinterester found and attempted this recipe. It resulted in the above photo, along with a full blown grill fire, complete with singed eyebrows.

So should we toss in the grill tongs when it come to bacon on the barbie?

***If you like to play it safe, yes. Just do bacon wrapped stuff in the oven.***

If you’re set on the adventure, here are a few tips before you get started.

  • Do not grill bacon over open flame
    • heat the grill with one burner on low and place the bacon on the opposite side, using the indirect heat to cook it.
    • if using charcoal, wait until the flames die down and cook over a hot bed of coals.
  • Grill bacon on aluminum foil or over a pan so the grease is not dripping into the grill
  • Low and Slow is the way to Go
    • high heat is not your friend in this situation
  • Use a temperature gauge to check the internal temp of the food wrapped by bacon to ensure it’s cooked.
  • Make sure it’s easy to cut off fuel supply to your grill in case of fire.

Even taking these precautions, please remember that bacon is a very fatty food. Grilling it creates a high likelihood of your food and/or grill catching on fire.  Just be careful!

And feel free to share your triumphs OR failures with us [email protected]

Happy Grilling!

For more hilarious pinterest fails, see pinstrosity.blogspot.com

I Am Man. I Grill Over Lava.

Most of our readers own a gas grill. There are pros and cons to charcoal grilling as well as gas grilling and I can understand why many grill enthusiasts have both types of grills!

But have you ever considered grilling over lava?

lava, grilling, gas grill, steak, corn

Who needs a gas grill when you can just melt lava and pour it into dry ice?

No, because it sounds ridiculously dangerous and completely unnecessary? Well, despite those reasons and more, a few guys teamed up to try it.

Somehow this doesn’t surprise me…

B&P Cook Out from robert wysocki on Vimeo.

I think you should just stick to your grill.


Gas Grill Hacks – Smoke

Many hard-core smoker fans out there will make the gas grillers feel inferior when they swap grilling stories.

Chins up all my gas grill friends! They can spend all their waking (and sleeping) hours over that hot smokey grill while you and I go on with our lives!

America’s Test Kitchen (one of my FAVORITE resources) has come out with a video detailing how to get that same smokey flavor on your gas grill.

Sure, you’re thinking – I know! – wood chips. But America’s Test Kitchen has put many different methods of using wood chips to the test and here’s what they came up with. Check out this short but sweet (or should I say smokey?) video that shows you how to get the PERFECT packet of chips!

You can thank me later!



Visit GrillPartsSearch.com’s profile on Pinterest.

Cinco De Mayo On The Grill!

According to Wikipedia, Cinco De Mayo “originated with Mexican-American communities in the American West as a way to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War, and today the date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.”

Cinco De Mayo Pinata Grill Recipes

Most Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurants around the country are holding celebrations or offering specials to commemorate this great excuse to party!

If you’re looking to grill something at home with a beer you don’t have to pay $5 for, try out some of these recipes!

Tequila Lime Chicken with a Margarita!
Pro Tip – leave the skin on the chicken breast when you grill it. That way if it chars, you can easily remove the charred part before serving. Yum!

Grilled Chili Lime Fish Tacos with Negra Modelo beer
Pro Tip – Tilapia has a short marinating time so this recipe is great for a last minute meal idea!

Grilled Tamales with Poblanos and Fresh Corn
Pro Tip – This recipe is more in depth and might take an hour to prepare – not for the faint hearted but promises to impress!

Grilled Mexican Steak Tacos with Chimichurri Sauce
Pro Tip – Throw all these ingredients on a bed of romaine instead for an amazing grilled salad!

Also check out our pinterest for even more ideas!
Recipes Grilled Grilling Pinterest

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!


Why Do I Have Flare-Ups?

Flare-ups in your grill are not always a sign something bad is happening.

Sometimes a bit of grease hits a flame and – poof – you see the flame because it was fueled for a moment and jumped up into your line of sight.
However, if you have a lot of flare-ups, or one spot that seems to flare a lot, that’s probably going to be a problem you can easily fix.
The first thing to check if your “heat dispersal.” What’s covering your burner? Is it protected properly from the drippings of your food? If there are large holes, your plate is falling apart, or missing entirely, that’s why you have the flare-ups!

Here’s a little video to show how easy it is to fix that problem:

Easily find your heat dispersal replacement now!
If you have brand-new heat plates, heat tents, vapor bars, flavor bars (or whatever you call them!), and you still have flare-ups, give us a call. We’re always happy to help! 877-244-0737
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