BACKYARD GRILL Grill Replacement Parts

To find the correct parts for your BACKYARD GRILL grill, select your model:

If you don't see your model number, don't give up! Not all model numbers are in our database. Please view all parts currently available for BACKYARD GRILL, listed below by part type. Still no luck? Contact us - we're here to help!

BACKYARD GRILL Grill Replacement Parts | Brand from WALMART

Where do I find a model number on my Backyard Grill BBQ?

1. Try looking on your original Backyard Grill owner's manual. Usually the model number will be listed on the front or inside page. Most Backyard grill models start with the letters BY or GBC - for example, BY13-101-001-12 or GBC1555-WC.

2. Still no luck finding your Backyard Grill model number? Call us at (678) 272-2451! We can use measurements of your original burners, cooking grids, heat shields to find the right Backyard Grill replacement parts. Remember to remove the original parts from your gas grill before measuring them to ensure you get the most accurate dimensions.

If you have a model number, click the drop-down menu to get started and choose your model number to find all the parts that fit your specific Backyard Grill / Walmart grill. If you know the dimensions of your parts, use the filters to view all of each kind of part you need (burners, cooking grids, briquette grates, warming racks, or heat shields). For more help, please give us a call at (678) 272-2451.


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