To find the correct parts for your BAKERS & CHEFS grill, select your model:

If you don't see your model number, don't give up! Not all model numbers are in our database. Please view all parts currently available for BAKERS & CHEFS, listed below by part type. Still no luck? Contact us - we're here to help!

Where do you find a model number on a Bakers & Chefs (Sam's Club) grill?

  • First, try looking on your original owner's manual. Usually the model number will be listed on the bottom of each page.
  • If you don't have your manual, that's OK!
  • On the back, there is a small metal plate or label that has a model number.
  • Look for a number that starts with Y, 9, or M. Some Bakers & Chefs models also start with GQ. Most Bakers & Chefs gas grills have been made for Sam's Club by a manufacturer called Grand Hall.
  • If you find the number '608SB,' this is actually the part number for your side burner.

Still no luck finding your Bakers & Chefs (Sam's Club) model number?

Call us at (678) 272-2451! We want to help you keep your grill in your backyard and out of a landfill. We can use measurements of your original Bakers & Chefs (Sam's Club) gas grill burners, cooking grids, heat shields and other parts to find replacements for your grill. Just remember to remove the parts from your grill before measuring them to ensure you get the most accurate dimensions.


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