Member's Mark (Sam's Club) Grill Parts

To find the correct parts for your MEMBER'S MARK grill, select your model:

If you don't see your model number, don't give up! Not all model numbers are in our database. Please view all parts currently available for MEMBER'S MARK, listed below by part type. Still no luck? Contact us - we're here to help!

Find Member's Mark Replacement Grill Parts

Where is the model number on a Member's Mark Grill?

Here are a few places to look:

  • First, try looking on your original owner's manual. Usually the model number will be listed on the bottom of each page.
  • Don't have your manual? Member's Mark grills have small metal plates or labels with certification information on them, including your model number. These plates are usually on the back of each grill.
  • Look for a number that starts with Y, M, or a word name like MONARCH, REGAL, etc. Some Member's Mark models also start with BQ or 720. This is because Member's Mark grills have been made by multiple manufacturers, including Grand Hall and Nexgrill.
  • If you find the number '608SB,' this is actually the part number for your side burner. However, we still list it as an option because many customers are confused by this.

Still no luck finding your Member's Mark model number? Contact us! We want to help you keep your grill in your backyard and out of a landfill. We can use measurements of your original Member's Mark burners, cooking grids, heat shields and other Member's Mark parts to find replacements for your grill. Just remember to remove the parts from your grill before measuring them to ensure you get the most accurate dimensions.

Search by Part Type for Your Member's Mark Grill

Below, you can use the filter to refine your search by Burner, Burner Bracket / Carryover Tube, Cooking Grid, Drip Pan / Grease Tray, Heat Dispersal, Ignitor or Other Part.

Our high-quality replacement grill parts are designed to seamlessly fit Member's Mark grills. Our extensive selection covers everything from robust burners to precision-engineered heat shields, ensuring your grilling experience is second to none. With our Member's Mark replacement grill parts, you can count on a perfect fit, hassle-free installation, and top-notch performance. Elevate your grilling game with our competitively priced, reliable components. Trust in our expertise and experience the satisfaction of a grill operating at its best. Browse our selection now and enjoy the confidence of a perfectly outfitted grill.


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