In most cases replacement barbecue grill parts such as knobs are not brand specific. There are two things to consider when purchasing replacement knobs. The first thing is the diameter of the knob as well as the diameter of the socket. The second thing is the D value of the knob. When you are looking at the valve stem insertion socket from the front of the knob, there will be a flat portion. The D value indicates where the flat portion is when valve is in the off position. This will correspond to the positions of a clock hand. For example, 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock, etc. You want to make sure the replacement has the correct D value, so that it will indicate correctly.
Product code 02342 comes with three inserts (small, medium and long) for both 6mm and 8mm valve stems. Since the insert is a separate component from the knob, the 02342 is adjustable to any of the clock positions. Therefore, if you aren't sure which knob you need, the 02342 is a great replacement option. If you are still unsure, give us a call and one of our techs will be more than happy to assist you in locating the perfect part for your grill.